I’d like to announce a Downwind Jam Session, that I’ve planned for November 11th at 8:00 PM EST. Think of this as the Zoom meeting you dream about all day at work. The session will be open and free to any and all that want to join. I will plan to cover some specific points around different types of conditions, and how to think about approaching them. We’ll start with small and easy conditions, where to find them, and what to focus on when paddling in them. I’ll then move to larger but still relatively clean conditions and finally get into larger more dimensional stuff. I’ll use a combination of Google Maps and paddling footage as I walk through each of the conditions.
I also want to plan equal time for others to ask questions, share stories, and show us their downwind footage. You can join the Zoom call from a phone, but I think you’ll have the best experience from a laptop/PC/iPad, especially if you plan to do screen sharing. I’ll plan to record the session and post on YouTube for anyone that can’t make it. I don’t have a set time limit, but if we’re really jamming I wouldn’t be surprised to go between 1 and 2 hours.
Topic: TC SURFSKI Downwind Jam Session
Time: Nov 11, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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